Anna University Exams May/June 2014 Regulation 2008 Important Questions 4th Semester BE/BTECH
EE2255 Digital Logic Circuits
1. Obtain the minimum sop using QUINE- McCLUSKY method and verify using K-map
2. Reduce the Boolean function using k-map technique and implement using gates f (w, x, y, z)= _m (0,1,4,8,9,10) which has
the don’t cares condition d (w, x, y, z)= _m (2,11)
3. Implement the Boolean function using 8:1 mux. (8 marks) F (A, B, C, D) =A’BD’+ACD+B’CD+A’C’D.
4. Design A Full Adder And A Full Subtractor.
5. Simplify the following Boolean functions by using K’Map in SOP & POS. F (w, x, y, z) = _m (1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 1, 12, 14)
6. Design a 4-bit binary to excess-3 converter using the unused combinations of the code as don’t care
conditions. Represent the converter using logic diagram.
7. A sequential circuit has 2D ff’s A and B an input x and output y is specified by the following next state and output equations.
A (t+1)= Ax + Bx B (t+1)= A’x
Y= (A+B) x’
(i) Draw the logic diagram of the circuit. (ii)Derive the state table. (iii)Derive the state diagram.
8. Design a mod-10 synchronous counter using Jk ff. write excitation table and state table.
9. Write the excitation tables of SR, JK, D, and T Flip flops (8 marks) b) Realize D and T flip flops using Jk flip flops
10. Design a sequential circuit using JK flip-flop for the following state table [use state diagram]
11. Design a counter with the following repeated binary sequence:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.use JK Flip-flop.
12. Design an asynchronous sequential circuit that has 2 inputs x2 and x1, and one output z. the output is to remain 0 as long as an X1
is 0. The first change in x2 that occurs while x1 is 1 will cause z to be 1. Z is to remain 1 until x1 returns to 0. Construct a state
diagram and flow table. Determine the output equations.
13. Obtain the primitive flow table for an asynchronous circuit that has 2 input’s x, y and
output z. an output z=1, is to occur only during the input state xy=01 and then if and only if the input state xy=01 is preceded
by the input sequence xy=01, 00, 10, 00, 10, 00
14. Design a circuit with input a and b to give an output z=1 when AB =11 but only if A becomes 1 before B, by drawing total state
diagram, primitive flow table and output map in which transient state is included.
15. Design an Asynchronous sequential circuit using SR latch with two inputs A and B and one output y. B is the control input
which, when equal to 1, transfers the input A to output y. when B is 0, the output does not change, for any change in input.
16. Explain in detail about PLA with a specific example.
17. Explain with neat diagrams RAM architecture
18.Implement the following function using PLA. A (x, y, z) = m (1, 2, 4, 6)
B (x, y, z) = _m (0, 1, 6, 7) C (x, y, z) = _m (2, 6)
19. Discuss on the concept of working and applications of following memories.
20. compare the various digital logic families.
21. Write notes on FPGA.
22. Write notes on the characteristics and implementation of the following digital logic families.
(i)ECL ii) TTL
23. Write a HDL code for state machine to BCD to ex–3 codes Converter.
24. Write a behavioral VHDL description of the 4 bit counter.
25. Write VHDL code for a full sub tractor using logic Equation
26. Write a VHDL description of an S-R latch using a process
27. Write a HDL code for 8:1 MUX using behavioral model
28. Write the HDL description of the circuit specified by the Following Boolean equations
S = xy ‘+ x’ y C=xy