1.What are the various linked list operation.explain
2.Write down the algorithm to convert infix to postfix(example)
3.Write routines to implement addtion,sub,&differentiation of two polynomials?
4.Write the recursive routine for towers of hanoi?
5.Explain cursor implementation of list?
6.Write the insertion and deletion routine for doubly linked list>
7a)Write an algorithm to find an element from binary search tree
b)Write a program to insert and delete an element from a binary tree?
8.What are the different tree traversal techniques? explain
9.Explain the recursive and non recursive routine for Find min and FInd max?
10.What is the need for non linear data structure ?Exlpain expression tree with example?
11, Write a routine to develop the avl tree and explain its operation
12.Write a function to perform insertion and deletion in a binary heap
13.Explain B-tree and hashin in detail mention a note on collision in hashing.
14.Define hash function.write routines to find and insert an element in separate chaining
15.Explaing minimum spanning tree and shortest path algorithm in detail.
16.Explain the various representation of graph with example in detail
17.What is topological sort?Write down the pseudocode to perofrm topological sort?
18.Explain prim's & kruskal algorithm in detail.
19.exlpain biconnectivity.
20.Write the procedures to perform the BFS and DFS search of a graphs.
21.Explain depth first traversal?write some application of graph
22.Explain greedy algorithm and dynamic programming in detail?
23.Explain divide and conquer method with its application
24.Explain backtracking and explain how will you measure the efficiency of an algorithm with an example.
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